How it Works


  • FOOTY must be positioned on a flat area, preferably on a carpet to avoid splashes of hydroalcoholic solution.

  • Make sure the device’s tank is filled and the battery charged.

  • Turn on the battery then FOOTY on.

  • When switched on, a short projection will disinfect the inside of the receptive cavity, the device calibrates over half a second, FOOTY is ready for use.

  • Position your first foot by placing the shin at the stop, the foot can rest on the wooden wall (or just levitate for those wishing to avoid any contact), and the second foot will be positioned next to the device.

  • The cell detects the foot, the 4 nozzles diffuse a misting cloud which disinfects the foot. The fans immediately dry the foot in a few seconds.

  • Repeat the same operation for the second foot.

  • Your feet are now disinfected, perfumed, and dry, you can access the boat.

  • It is recommended to repeat this before putting your shoes back on. It may happen that others have not used FOOTY and could therefore have transmitted fungus or other bacteria to you.

  • Once the day or event is over, it is recommended to store FOOTY in a dry, sheltered place.

  • The lithium battery requires special attention and storage.

Trouble shooting

FOOTY doesn't spray

  • Make sure it's in the right mode 
  • Check if you still are full of Lotion
  • Check if the battery is on (4 blue points means full battery)

The machine turns on by itself

  • Turn it off and on again. 
  • The detection cell resets because the sun and brightness can change and disturb it